MANIFEST 2023: Pastor Igioh Makes Stunning Revelation On the Rain Of Glory


By Patrick Ochei

The Day 2 of the MANIFEST programme of the Heroes Family Church, Okpanam has further opened the spiritual eyes of members to the realities of God’s Word as the Guest Minister, Rev. Leonard Igioh made some astounding revelations on the person of Jesus Christ.

Rev. Igioh who was introduced as one of the special sons of Pastor Elvis Peters Uto, Senior Pastor of the Heroes Family Church, taught the congregation on what it takes to receive the Rain of Glory.

Dwelling on the scriptural understanding of Ephesians 2:1-2, Pastor Igioh affirmed that we were originally from God and only adopted by the Satan, adding that we can only return to our original source, which is God at reconciliation or redemption.

His words, “We were not children of disobedience, neither were we born of Satan but of God”.

Using Jeremiah as sn illustration, he posited further that “Before we were born, we had been saved for eternity. We were not of Adam’s nature, God long ago gave that right to Abraham by making him father of many nations. For that reason, those righteous people that died in the old bible days before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, were in Abraham’s Bosom before Christ conquered the Satan and opened the gate of heaven for the saints.

“The Finished Work of Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary ended every nature of sin; we are now born of Christ into righteousness. We are sitted with Christ in Glory far above all principalities. That is the Rain of Glory, far above the heavenly.

“Our nature abhors sin, we cannot do wrong. We are spirit and spirit has more relevance on earth than the physical body that is living. Once a course is settled at the immortality, the mortality has no choice but to align. Being saved is not by your works or by keeping commandments; it’s by faith.

“However, faith is a free gift of God. Except you don’t know who you are in Christ Jesus or you are among those still enmeshed in ignorance, you may continue to suffer the things that are not meant for you. If you envision wealth in the spirit realm, there is no way you can’t be wealthy. In the same vein, when you think of poverty, definitely the rain of poverty will fall”, Pastor Igioh posited.

In conclusion, Pastor Igioh quoted 2 Timothy 1:9-10 to buttress his point while charging the congregation to come alive and take their place in destiny by faith.

It was a night of wonders as the Okpanam Light House Generation gave a superb presentation while the Victorious Dance Group won the first stage of the Heroes One Mic Dancing competition.


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