Be Satisfied With Your Spouse, Married Women Charged

Couples especially married women have been charged to be satisfied with the kind of man God has given to them as their husbands.

A minister of the gospel, Evangelist Ogochukwu, who took to her Facebook page, counsel the women to stop wishing they had the kind of husbands their friends have.

While admonishing them not to be carried away with frivolities displayed on social media platforms by those she described  as Sad, Suffering and Smiling (SSS), the evangelist urged married women to be of immense support to their husbands.

Hear her: “Don’t be deceived by what they flaunt on social media. Many of them are S.S.S. (sad, suffering & smiling). You are better than them. Be contented with what you have”.

She advised them to buy what they could afford instead of living a life of affluence full of pretence.

“Buy the cloth you can afford. Put your children in schools you can afford. Eat the food you can afford.
Fix the hair you can afford. Rent the house you can afford.

“So many of them are winners on social media and losers in real life.
That man you think is worthless is the kind of man they wish they had”, encouraging them to always pray and support their husbands.

“That things aren’t bitter today doesn’t mean it won’t be sweet tomorrow. With patience, prayers and perseverance you will push through successfully”, just as she offered prayers for them for God’s wisdom to make their homes a happy one.


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