Nwaobi’s Declaration Turns Carnival In Aniocha North


May 2nd,  2022, the Honourable Member representing Aniocha North Constituency in Delta State House of Assembly, Hon. Engr. Emeka Emmanuel Nwaobi, declared his intention before Aniocha North PDP statutory delegates in Issele-Uku, to return to the Assembly in consolidation of his legislative performances.

Nwaobi who was accompanied by eminent Issele-Uku personalities to the PDP Secretariat,  told Party Executives and delegates that he has the best qualifications in terms of academics, character, experience and capacity to represent the Constituency again at the House of Assembly.

Gbagi Burial Poster

“Now I am here with my report card, like a good student who must present his report card to his parents at the end of the term. I have not just passed, I have distinction. I have come to show you my report card.

“I make bold to say that in a space of six years I have touched all communities in Aniocha North. It is unprecedented. Check the report card and discover for yourself in case you don’t know. And if you have any questions bordering on your community, I am here to answer you.

Speaking further, Nwaobi added: “Today, we are 11 aspirants vying for this office. I have no issue with that, the more the merrier. Amongst the 11 of us, I am the most experienced, the best with capacity and the best qualified academically. At the risk of sounding immodest or boastful, I have done creditably well in lawmaking and oversight functions.

“Some of the aspirants that are coming have held positions in the past, please ask them what they have done in terms of contributing their quota to the development of Aniocha North. When I was coming into office for the first time, I had things I had done like the grading of Ukwunzu Road, Ugbodu road, Ezi Roads, Ogodor Road, Issele-Azagba Roads,  Issele-Uku Roads,  Obomkpa Road and several others including donating money and buying vehicle for the vigilante group to operate.

“As a lawmaker whose function is primarily lawmaking and perfoming oversight functions, I have done well for which I won several awards.

The Honourable Member went ahead to tell a brief story of one of his crucial oversight assignments at the Asaba International Airport:

“Prior to our coming into office, government had spent billions to build the Asaba International Airport, yet the Airport remained shoddy and not finished. As a Civil Engineer in the House Committee on Works, I ensured that we oversight the Airport and cane up with a very useful report. It even resulted to threats by the contractor handling the project. Eventually our report came out, it was adopted and the contract was repudiated and handed over to another qualified contractor who finished the Airport project.

Justifying his earned award, as the most accessible Legislator in Delta State, Hon. Nwaobi said:

“Today, I am one of the House of Assembly members you don’t need to fill a form to see. I am also one member who is always at home attending one function or the other in my Constituency.

“The other story about my Legislative achievement was when Issele-Azagba was invaded by Fulani herdsmen. My motion to that effect gave birth to Operation Delta Hawk. And since then, kidnapping and farmers/herders clashes have reduced to the barest minimum.

A vote for Hon. Nwaobi is a vote for continuity, a vote that will propel Aniocha North to a higher pedestal. I have not come to tell you that I am going to the House, I have come to tell you that I want to return to the House. Legislature is an open ended Arm of Government, not like the Executive that the highest one can go is two terms.

For the Legislature, one can go as many times as possible, because it is about garnering experience. I have the experience and going back would mean an accelerated infrastructural development opportunity for the local government. This is because I will be a Ranking Member who is likely to either become the Speaker, Deputy Speaker or Majority Leader.

“Let me state here that everybody has his or her shortcomings. You have yours, I have mine. However, we must partner to move forward in the interest of our Constituency. You may not like my face, but for the sake of Aniocha North,  we must accept the fact that reasonable progress had been made in terms of lawmaking and projects execution.

“In my preparations for every election, I usually prayed one prayer which is my earnest desire that nobody dies during my election; and God has always answered me”, Nwaobi submitted.

He however, concluded with a song which says: “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand”.

While calling on Prince Ibe Ozoma to lead the prayer of protection and victory for Hon. Nwaobi,  the Chairman of Aniocha North PDP, Dr Charles Ochei affirmed that Nwaobi indeed has the requisite credentials to represent the people of the Constituency.

He said that Aniocha North has worthy and eminently qualified personalities to represent them when the occasion calls for such, and  that Nwaobi has again proven his mettle.

He therefore called on Party leaders and stakeholders to always put the interest of Aniocha North first in their decisions, so as to continue to earn the respect of others.

Having fulfilled all righteousness with regards to the consultation,  the Honourable Member and his team of supporters turned Issele-Uku, the local government headquarters into a carnival of sort.


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