Legendary singer Sir Victor Uwaifo dies at 80


Legendary singer and guitarist, Sir Victor Uwaifo is dead.

His nephew, Uwaifo Peter The Rock, also announced the sad incident on his verified Facebook page on Saturday evening.

Uwaifo Jnr, a gospel artiste wrote: “Daddy whyyyyyyyyyy. Did you leave us now? Prof sir Victor UWAIFO has gone to rest. Black Saturday for me now.

“One week now after collaborating with me.”

Uwaifo studied at University of Benin where he obtained a First Class in Applied Arts at 54, a Master’s Degree in Sculpture at 56, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architectural Sculpture at the age of 77.

The ‘Joromi’ crooner and iconic highlife music percussionist, celebrated his 80th birthday in March.

He was renowned for his hit tracks such as ‘Joromi’, ‘Mami Water’, ‘Guitar Boy’.

‘Joromi’ won him his First Gold Disc in Africa at 24.

Joromi was first released on the album titled Big Sound on June 27, 1969.

Its release stirred a big wave in Nigerian music.

The song is based on a Benin folktale in Edo State.

It tells the story of an undefeated warrior named Joromi.

Uwaifo and his band had several national and international performance tours at Abidjan, Ghana, Europe, the United States of America, Japan and the former Soviet Union.

He represented Nigeria at the Black Art Festival in Algiers in 1969 and at the African Commonwealth Festival, London in 1973.


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