Pastor Paul Enenche’s Marriage Pictures Surface On Internet


Marriage is a creation of God unto maximum bliss, companionship fulfillment and potentials actualization.

When it is done well, it is second to no other form of human relationship in excitement, ecstasy and fulfillment.
To do it well.

1. The Knowledge and Fear of God is paramount. No one can genuinely know and fear God and not be an excellent husband or wife.

2. There must be genuine love and appreciation for one another. Love that is real. Not fake or based on things.

3. There must be mutual value and respect for one another. You don’t abuse whom or what you value.

4. You must be the kind of spouse you’d want your children to have in the future.

5. You must live in accountability to God as one who will answer to God at the end of your life.

We wish you a blissful marital journey in Jesus Name.


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