Man Sends Wife Packing, After Discovering N3.6 Million In Wife’s Account


… Says Son Died Over Inability To Pay N25, 000 Hospital Bill

A family lost their son because both parents refused to pay for the child’s medical bills, while both husband and the wife had money in their accounts but were arguing over whose duty it is to pay for the hospital bills.

Eventually their disagreement went on for too long and their son unfortunately died.

The wife speaking out and trying to give her own side of the argument.

According to the story as reported by TVC, the wife said that up until the point when their son died, she had carried most of the financial burden of the house and claimed that her husband was irresponsible towards those burdens.

She wanted the man to take accountability for his actions and finally provide for the health and wellness of their child and family.

She honestly thought her husband would rise to the occasion and never thought the child would eventually die.

She maintained that the money in her account is her hard-earned money and that the man had no right to get angry and walk away from the marriage because she did not bring it out.

It is worthy of note to know that the medical bill in question was only N25,000.

The man eventually found out about the N3.6 million in the wife’s account when one day he went to pick up her phone to take a call and unfortunately for the woman, there was a bank alert notification on the phone that showed the amount of money in the woman’s account – over N3.6 Million.

So the child died because of N25,000 when there is N3. 6 million in the household.

Source: Moji Danisa – Dawodu|Facebook #FindExpression


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