Soon Islam Will Be Only Religion In Entire World, Says Taliban Commander, Mustafa


As the Taliban moves into Kabul and demand the unconditional surrender of the central government, the Taliban Commander Muhammed Arif Mustafa told CNN: “it’s our belief that one day, MUJAHEDIN will have victory and Islamic laws will come  not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world.

“We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day”, he declared.

He said the Taliban and other groups like it would fight on “untill religion is all for Allah” within Afghanistan, this would take the form of a ferocious and merciless percution of women who do not obey Islam’s veiling laws and of anyone else who dates to violate the structures of Islam in any way.

And outside Afghanistan, the Taliban would do all it could to aid Jihad groups elsewhere as it aided al- Qaeda to prepare for the Jihad attacks in New York and  Washington on September 11 , 2001


  1. U must be dreaming oga Taliban Christ remains the king the light n the truth. U can’t force Islam on the people of God. Islamic is a forceful religion n of hatred. For that u can never conquer . Cos u a of datckness n there’s no how datckness can superceed light.

  2. Muhammed Arif Mustafa or what you call yourself,I think you are insane,cos no normal human will force any one against his/her faith,God never goes into battle & loose,you have already lost the battle,cos darkness cannot comprehend light, light shines in darkness, your days are numbered, you fool.idiot,son of a bastard

  3. Muhammed Arif Mustafa or what you call yourself,I think you are insane,cos no normal human will force any one against his/her faith,God never goes into battle & loose,you have already lost the battle,cos darkness cannot comprehend light, light shines in darkness, your days are numbered, you fool.idiot,son of a bastard


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