Mother Of Two Abandons Marriage To Settle with Another Man In UK


A man took to his Facebook to seek advice because his wife wants to marry a white man for citizenship. This is his story;

“I am a married father of two. My wife went to Uk on a two years scholarship. It has been four years and she is still abroad. When I ask her why she doesn’t want to come back like we agreed, she always complain about different challenges she’s facing.

Earlier this year she met a successful white man who promised to marry her and give her a better life only if she divorces me and marry him.

“My wife sent me divorce papers which I need to sign to prove that we are no longer married. She told me I should act along because through the white man she will have a better life over there and be given UK citizenship.

She said she will be sending me money to support our two children every month. If I don’t sign it she might be deported. She also asked me not to tell anyone including our families.

She said we should keep it a secret. I’m confused. Please advise before it’s too late.” he said.


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