Reptiles Take Over Isoko North Dilapidated Liberary


Fifteen years after, the only liberary that produced top shots have been abandoned following the dilapidation of the place of information gathering in Isoko north local government area of Delta State.

According to a post by Prince Enaroseha Orezi Judges, said: “This is the only Library in Isoko North as a whole where many persons who studied far and wide were able to read, gather information and got admissions abroad”.

Read details below:

I really want appreciate All Isoko North LGA Councilors (Both old and current),

The Chairman, Member, Delta State House Of Assembly (House of Commotion), House Of Reps (Lower deceivers at Federal Level),
Senate (Most Senior Criminals Of the Federal Republic),

Their opposite of USEFUL SAs, PAs and most especially one of the most Opposite of USEFUL governors in South South for their good leadership skills.

When some of us who refused to be bought over with peanuts, China iPads and monthly #1,500 subscription criticize the PDP government in Delta State, plenty people sees us as insulting and jobless youths who just want their voices to be heard……..  

The worse is that those who are even at the grassroots suffering are those who will raise their smelling mouths.

This is the only Library in Isoko North as a whole where many persons who studied far and wide were able to read, gather information and got admissions abroad.

To you all who are beneficiaries who are doing well, I have a question for U ~ If your Political schools sycophants are brainlessly brainless, are U also brainless?

I don’t want to call your names but if from now till the next Six(6) months nothing is done about this library and other pressing issues like ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT BILLS in Isoko North and South generally, be ready for more truths which you will see as insults.

Be Ye repentant rot in hell soonest.

It is time for Isoko to triumph.
Isoko Wadooooo!

Source: Prince Enaroseha Orezi Judges [Facebook]


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