What Anioma Stand To Gain If Senator Nwoko’s Anioma State Scales Through


By Fred Akpewe

To all ANIOMA people who may have read the open letter addressed to all ANIOMA people by Senator Ned Nwoko on the potential advantages of an ANIOMA state, the following have become obvious:

(1) Both Governor and Deputy Governor will be ANIOMA citizens

(2) An ANIOMA state will have three Senators instead of the Present one Senator

(3) An ANIOMA state will have more members of the House of Representatives instead of the present three

(4) ANIOMA state will have several commissioners who are all ANIOMA citizens

(5) ANIOMA will have its own internally generated revenue (IGR)

(6) An ANIOMA state will start participating in the monthly Federal Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) meetings

(7) ANIOMA state will have its own House of Assembly with all its members being of ANIOMA stock

(8) ANIOMA will have its own exclusive capital city

(9) An ANIOMA state will have its own separate and distinct State Council of Chiefs with an ANIOMA citizen being the Chairman

(10) An ANIOMA state will open a floodgate of development in the area with the Okpai IPP project potentially providing electricity for the whole of ANIOMA

(11) The ANIOMA culture will become more accentuated especially as the state will have its own separate Television station and Newspaper which focus will be cultural integration of ANIOMA interests

(12) An ANIOMA state will have its own distinct Civil service and MDAs, meaning that more ANIOMA sons and daughters will be gainfully employed

(13) An ANIOMA state will have its own judiciary, meaning that the State Chief Judge and other Judges and magistrates will all be of ANIOMA stock

Looking at the above advantages that will accrue to an ANIOMA state there is every reason for every ANIOMA person to support its creation.

As a matter of fact if the state is created there is no state in the federation that will enjoy the same exclusivity as an ANIOMA state


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