Omu Institution Has Gained Local, International Recognition — HRM Dunkwu


“We vigorously promoted our native attire (Akwa Ocha), our language, our food, our culture and tradition. To this extent, some foreign universities have been coming to understudy the Omu Institution for the benefit of research and documentation”, the Omu Okpanam and Omu Anioma, Her Royal Majesty (HRM), Obi Martha Dunkwu, has said.

Obi Martha Dunkwu, who doubles as the Nneoha, mother of all, stated this at her Palace on Wednesday January 26th 2022, during her 20th Coronation anniversary as Omu of Okpanam, Oshimili north local government area of Delta State.

Gbagi Burial Poster

While disclosing that being an Omu was not what she dreamt of, but the latter part of her life made her believe that providence has all along prepared her for the seat, the well celebrated royal figure, said the past 20 years as Omu has been an eye opener with painstaking and sweet memories.

Hear her: “With due respect to modesty, and as a result to my activities, being a media practitioner of close to 40 years, the Omu institution has gained local and international recognition.

“My Palace has been a study centre, open to the training and knowledge acquisition of women. We have continued to print and distribute the Historian Emeka Esogbue’s books on Omuship to persons who will further advance the course of learning”.

She revealed that the centre for Omuship and women development initiative was set up to provide a centre dedicated to the study of Omuship in Anioma nation, “Prior to my coming on board, only five Omus were on the saddle.

“As a result of my campaign and advocacy to different communities to begin to enthrone Omus, today, it has paid off. As at the last count, we have well over 15 Omus in Anioma nation and more are coming”.

On the Obi Martha Dunkwu Foundation, she hinted that it was established to give scholarship to indigent Anioma girls children, who will be engaged in academic studies, skills acquisition, entrepreneurship development and micro investment, stressing that a building has been dedicated in perpetuity to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)  for effective operation.

According to her, “we have have done so much in guiding leadership at various levels to make right decisions predicated on good governance. We must change our society for the better. We must reinvent the value system we were known for. If each and everyone of us play our individual role, we will definitely and of necessity achieve a prosperous society”, she added.


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