Mulade Seeks Legislation For Ministry Of Riverine Infrastructure In Delta


Frontline Delta-born activist and National Coordinator of Centre for Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ), cum Patron of Indigenous Correspondents’ Chapel (ICC), Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Delta State Council, Comrade Chief Sheriff Mulade has called on members of the Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA), to legislate on a Bill to back the newly established Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure created by the State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori.

The call is coming on the heels for the need for the ministry to outlive the Oborevwori’s administration in order to fulfill its essence to the coastal communities on the river bank within the State.

Gbagi Burial Poster

The CEPEJ National Coordinator made the call on Thursday August 15, 2024, shortly after the Chapel Chairman, Kenneth Orusi, decorated him as Patron of the Chapel at his Corporate Office in Warri.

Comrade Mulade hailed the governor over what he described as a rebirth for the coastal communities, saying it was a welcome development as it was long overdue.

He said; “Let me seize this opportunity to thank the governor for yielding to the call of the people of the Riverine communities. I could recall when he was the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, when we proposed or initiated that ministry or agency known as the Coastal Area Development Agency or ministry, he wholeheartedly welcomed us and gave the support to us but unfortunately, the executive, led by Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, did not do anything about it.

“We did all the necessary engagement, we had the support of the house, then, led by the current governor but the executive were not forthcoming.

“I am not surprised because then, he gave enough support to it, that it is important that the Riverine areas, have an agency to cushion the infrastructural deficit, I am not surprised that he took the bold step, he has also expressed his feelings, plight and concern to the development of these Riverine areas that produces the golden eggs.

“Because these Riverine communities are the life wire of Delta and Nigeria’s economy. So, I am not surprised that he could do this and you will also understand that he has the community and leadership qualities and that is why he felt the pulse and was able to say this is what these people need and was able to take that bold step to create it.

“However, creating the ministry of Riverine Infrastructure is a welcome development, long expected and overdue. My appeal and call on him today, is that the ministry should be one of the statutory ministries, the ministry should be backed by law in the house of Assembly.

“Because, today, it is known as ministry of Riverine Infrastructure. Tomorrow, somebody may come and abolish it, next tomorrow somebody may come and call it a different name.

“So, we want the ministry to be backed by law as a ministry or agency supervised by a Commissioner.

“Our call for the establishment or creation of the Coastal Areas Development Agency still stands despite the fact that a ministry has been created except if the ministry has a statutory backing of the State House of Assembly laws.

“Then, it will now become a Directorate under the ministry to ensure that the legacy established by the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, who has written his name in gold for the people of the Riverine areas will stand thr test of time.

“So, that is my appeal and my call to him today to ensure that he takes the second step by sending an executive Bill to the Delta State House of Assembly to create that Directorate as a ministry as a statutory ministry or an agency so that the ministry can stand firmly”, he stressed.

Meanwhile, he commended Oborevwori, for yielding to the yearnings and needs of the riverine communities in the State by creating a ministry that would fill the gap of development deficit in the areas.

“I thank him on behalf of the people of the Riverine communities for creating the ministry for us

Earlier, Orusi, expressed believe that Comrade Mulade’s strong advocacy for the creation of an agency known as Coastal Areas Development Agency (CADA), to look into the development of the coastal communities in the State during the previous administration may have led to the creation of the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure by the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration, following the support he gave to CADA, while he was Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA).

He called on the Chapel Patron to rise up to the challenge and put the government on its toes so that the Directorate won’t suffer under funding as seen in previous governments.

“We are using this opportunity and platform to call on you that you should not rest particularly now that this ministry has been created, it gives you more opportunity for more advocacy. We have seen situation where government create agencies or parastatal but were not funded.

“It is time for you to raise your voice to see that the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure is adequately funded and our brother is given the opportunity and privilege to do the work why the agency was established”.

Orusi, tasked him on the need for peace to return to Okoloba and Okuama communities in Bomadi and Ughelli south local government areas of the State and other communities were there are pockets of crisis and insecurity particularly in the Riverine communities.

The chairman on the occasion was flanked by the Vice Chairman, Godwin Maria Utuedoye, Chukwunoso Michael Odiah, Secretary, Celestine Ukah, Financial Secretary, Mrs. Christy Aboghe, Treasurer and Austin Oyibode.


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