Access Bank Managers, One Other Risk Jail, As Former Staff Threatens To Seek Redress


Unless Access Bank South East Zonal Manager, Ifeanyi Onwukwe, Nnebisi Branch Manager, Oluchi Nwabuikwu and Compliance Officer, Edward Nnaji, retrace their steps and do the needful, they stand to risk jail, as a former staff,.Mrs. Confidence Nwabuokei, has concluded plans to drag them to Court over alleged assault, unlawful detention, inhuman treatment, character assassination and degradation.

Mrs. Nwabuokei, alleged that she was locked up in the office of the Compliance Officer, Edward Nnaji,
and was abandoned between the hours of 11:00am till about 5:00pm, without food or water, adding that she was exposed to the air-conditioner, a situation she described as an attempt to kill her.

A petition to the Managing Director/CEO of Access Bank copied to the Chairman, National Human Rights Commission and the Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria, made available to The Story, by The Water-Tight Attorneys, disclosed that “on the 27th day of February, 2021, a day after the birthday of Oluchi Nwabuikwu; that Oluchi Nwabuikwu informed the Access Bank staff of branch 025, Asaba, Delta State that she misplaced her car keys

“However, on the 12th day of April 2021, our staff who was still a support staff in Access Bank Plc at the time in the branch then with Oluchi Nwabuikwu, towards the morning hours of the day, saw a car key on the floor and informed one of her colleagues by name Juliet Isichei that she saw a car key on the floor and both of them ignored it and went about their normal business for the day, having forgotten that Oluchi Nwabuikwu said in February 26th 2021 that she misplaced her car key during her birthday at the office.

“Surprisingly on the 15th day of April 2021 at about 11:00am, our client was called upon to balance herself, log out from her system and was taking to the office of Edward Nnaji for interrogation and detention, and was falsely accused as the person that stole Oluchi Nwabuikwu’s car key”.

According to the petitioner, before she was interrogated and illegal detention, visited the hospital on the 12th of April 2021, due to Malaria and Fever, was detained as all plea and entreaties to let her go back to her work position fell on deaf ears, “our client even pleaded with the aforementioned staff to reduce or switch off the air-conditioner in Nnaji’s office, was rebuffed by the trio.

Mrs. Nwabuokei, was also denied the right to watch the doctored CCTV footage she demanded to watch as she insisted that there was a CCTV Camera directly on the position where the car keys were seen in the bank but was told that the CCTV Camera at that point was faulty as at the time the car keys were found just as the report of the investigation promised to be made available to her in two week lingered on for three months which she didn’t see before she was forcefully transferred to Access Bank, branch 373 Port Harcourt Road branch Onitsha, Anambra State.

“Ever since from the 15th day of April 2021, where our client was illegally detained on the instruction of your aforementioned staff, our client’s health situation has deteriorated adversely. Our client now suffer from pneumonia, severe chest pains and heart enlargement which causes her heart to beat abnormally. Our client is now in sever pains and she has been on several medications and in and out of hospital ever since due to the amount of exposure to the air-conditioner, inhuman and degrading treatment melted to her in Eward Nnaji’s office  while she was under illegal detention”.

She alleged that unknown persons have been calling with hidden number to threaten her life following her constant demand of the report of the investigation panel setup by the trio.

“Our client’s life is seriously at risk, she has lost so much goodwill, friends and even her health has deteriorated adversely as a result of the gang up and deliberate attempt by the likes of Ifeanyi Onwukwe, Oluchi Nwabuikwu and Edward Nnaji and their co-conspirators to harm, harass, intimidate and tarnish our client’s well built image and personality over time for no just cause.

“We hereby write your establishment (Access Bank Plc) giving it seven clear days from the date of the receipt of our letter to cause an independent investigation into the matter and redress the wrong done to our client by your aforementioned staff, with a written apology published in two National dailies and ensure that your aforementioned staff and all the staff involved in the setup, character assassination, unlawful detention, degrading and inhuman treatment against our client are seriously disciplined”.

The petitioner warned that failure to do their biddings, she shall not hesitate to commence legal action against Access Bank.


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